African Feminist Reflection and Action Group

Progressive women and feminists have historically played an important and largely unappreciated role in many African liberation struggles. Still today, feminists are at the forefront in resisting democratic backlashes and in fighting the continued discrimination based on gender, race, ethnicity and class.

Convinced of the transformative potential of feminist thinking and activism for broader progressive political projects, since 2016 FES Mozambique convened regular meetings of feminist academics, social activists and progressive women in trade unions and the political arena from different regions of the African continent. In so called “Feminist Idea Laboratories” a group of 40 women met regularly to discuss the political agendas in their contexts, share experiences and exchange political tactics in a participatory, intersectional, and solidary way. They formed the African Feminist Reflection and Action Group and engaged in the search for concrete socio-economic and political alternatives, that allow women (and citizens in general) to speak for themselves and to fight for their interests, rights and freedoms.

The discussions have been documented through a series of videos and the Feminist Reflection Series. The group also brought forward a joint agenda on extractivism and feminist resistance, which put the political ideas into practice: in form of "feminist schools" for women in mining areas, solidarity encounters and knowledge sharing between Africa, Asia and Latin America, research projects on the influence of genetically modified food crops on communities and women and activist tools (link) for the joint struggle against gender-based violence. Some reflections later also turned into contributions to the special issue on Extractivism (link) of the Feminist Africa Journal.

Defeating the three-headed monster

Cunha, Teresa

Defeating the three-headed monster

A feminist reflection on gender
Maputo, 2022

Download publication (6,9 MB PDF-File)

Political participation, feminist organising and the creation of inclusive democratic spaces

Akiyode-Afolabi, Abiola

Political participation, feminist organising and the creation of inclusive democratic spaces

Maputo, 2021

Download publication (1,2 MB, PDF-File)

Beyond extractivism: feminist alternatives for a socially and gender just development in Africa

Randriamaro, Zo

Beyond extractivism: feminist alternatives for a socially and gender just development in Africa

Maputo, 2019

Download publication (3,6 MB PDF-File)

A feminist conversation

McFadden, Patricia; Twasiima, Patricia

A feminist conversation

Situating our radical ideas and energies in the contemporary African context
Maputo, 2018

Download publication (2,8 MB PDF-File)


26.02.2025 | News, Notícias

The current neo-liberal economic development model based on extractive industries perpetuates manifold social injustices and economic inequality in…


06.02.2025 | News, Notícias

We are excited to announce that the application period for the MA Programme in Labour Policies and Globalisation (LPG) is open!



Tearing us from our land, tears out our roots

Tearing us from our land, tears out our roots

Voices of the women from Cabo Delgado
Maputo, 2024

Download publication (8,5 MB PDF-File)

A double-edged sword

Hendricks, Cheryl; Lucey, Amanda; Sambo Macaringue, Lóide da Gloria

A double-edged sword

Peace support operations and conflict management in Northern Mozambique
Maputo, 2023

Download publication (180 KB, PDF-File)

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