DDDT Project

Development, Democracy and Rights for All (DDDT)

The Project Development, Democracy and Rights for All (DDDT, in its Portuguese abbreviation), co-financed by the European Union, aims at promoting participatory democracy and a more inclusive socio-economic development centered on the interests of citizens. The Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the Mozambican Workers Organization (OTM-CS) and the Young Leaders Platform (PJL) work together to strengthen collective awareness of young citizens and workers about their rights and their interventionist power, so that they can better organize themselves collectively and defend their interests in a social dialogue with political power and employers.

Therefore, the project empowers young citizens to participate in policy making on the level of their municipality in the 11 provincial capitals. Furthermore, the project supports trade union committees from different provinces by strengthening their ability to effectively defend the rights of workers. The project therefore includes activities in the areas of Political Participation and Democracy as well as Development and Social Justice.



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Tearing us from our land, tears out our roots

Tearing us from our land, tears out our roots

Voices of the women from Cabo Delgado
Maputo, 2024

Download publication (8,5 MB PDF-File)

A double-edged sword

Hendricks, Cheryl; Lucey, Amanda; Sambo Macaringue, Lóide da Gloria

A double-edged sword

Peace support operations and conflict management in Northern Mozambique
Maputo, 2023

Download publication (180 KB, PDF-File)

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