FES Mozambique

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) has been working for more than 40 years with its partners on the African continent. In Mozambique, we have been present since 1983. We aim to support the transformation of unjust social and economic contexts and to build conditions for democratic transformative change. The political struggles for the emancipation of the working class and a free society based on solidarity, that offers everyone an equal opportunity for economical, social, and cultural participation, are also inextricably linked to gender justice. 

Together with our partners – civil society organizations, social and women’s rights activists, trade unions, academic institutions, and political decision makers – we support the strengthening of a vivid democracy and an inclusive development in all spheres of the society. We collaborate to form progressive alliances that strengthen its members in successfully contributing to the political and economic development of the country. In all our activities, the promotion of gender justice is the base of our work and its ultimate aim. We are convinced that there is no social justice without gender justice and believe that this aspect needs to be the perspective for any political and economic activity.

FES Mozambique currently works in the following areas:

  • Political Participation and Democracy
  • Peace and Security
  • Development and Social Justice

Past and upcoming Events

26.02.2025 | News, Notícias

The current neo-liberal economic development model based on extractive industries perpetuates manifold social injustices and economic inequality in…


06.02.2025 | News, Notícias

We are excited to announce that the application period for the MA Programme in Labour Policies and Globalisation (LPG) is open!



Perspectivas africanas sobre a prevenção e o combate ao extremismo violento

Perspectivas africanas sobre a prevenção e o combate ao extremismo violento

Excerto do livro
Maputo, 2024

Download publication (2 MB, PDF-File)

Tearing us from our land, tears out our roots

Tearing us from our land, tears out our roots

Voices of the women from Cabo Delgado
Maputo, 2024

Download publication (8,5 MB PDF-File)

Mozambique Office

Av. Tomás Nduda, 1313
Caixa Postal 3694
Maputo – Mozambique

(00 258) 21 49 12 31
(00 258) 21 49 02 86


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