Competence Center for Gender Justice

FES Mozambique is home to the Competence Center for Gender Justice, Feminism and Transformation. This is a regional facilitation and coordination hub for FES gender work on the African continent. It connects different initiatives of partners and FES offices and facilitates the collective dialogue around issues concerning gender justice. The Competence Center also organizes regional feminist exchanges and supports the creation of feminist alliances.

Feminist visions of the future of work

Dicks, Crystal; Govender, Prakashnee

Feminist visions of the future of work

Berlin, 2019

Download publication (1,3 MB, PDF-File)


11.03.2024 | News, Notícias
Perspectivas africanas sobre a prevenção e o combate ao extremismo violento

A África Austral está a registar um aumento do extremismo violento. São necessárias estratégias e medidas desenvolvidas em colaboração com as…


21.12.2023 | Evento, Event

Entender o patriarcado como um contexto abrangente no qual se estabelecem desafios e se (re)produzem resistências, seja em espaços públicos ou…



Tearing us from our land, tears out our roots

Tearing us from our land, tears out our roots

Voices of the women from Cabo Delgado
Maputo, 2024

Download publication (8,5 MB PDF-File)

A double-edged sword

Hendricks, Cheryl; Lucey, Amanda; Sambo Macaringue, Lóide da Gloria

A double-edged sword

Peace support operations and conflict management in Northern Mozambique
Maputo, 2023

Download publication (180 KB, PDF-File)

Mozambique Office

Av. Tomás Nduda, 1313
Caixa Postal 3694
Maputo – Mozambique

(00 258) 21 49 12 31
(00 258) 21 49 02 86


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Gender Justice, Feminism and Transformation

Gender Justice and Democratic Participation

Gender Justice and the World of Work

Gender Justice and Security