Mozambique Office

Av. Tomás Nduda, 1313
Caixa Postal 3694
Maputo – Mozambique

(00 258) 21 49 12 31
(00 258) 21 49 02 86


Team & Contact



Participation and Democracy

Participation and Democracy

Democratic institutions should represent the interests of the population. Strengthening democratic openness, transparency, and the effectiveness of political institutions is essential for quality public policies and social inclusion.


Peace and Security

Peace and Security

Peace is more than the absence of war. Issues of human security, distributional justice, a resilient political system, and a democratically governed security sector are preconditions for a sustainable peace and democratic stability.


Development and Social Justice

Development and Social Justice

Robust national frameworks help to transform economic growth into development and shared prosperity. Public Policies are key to ensure that the economic gains serve the majority of the people.


DDDT Project

DDDT Project

The Project Development, Democracy and Rights for All (DDDT in its Portuguese abbreviation), co-financed by the European Union, aims at promoting participatory democracy and a more inclusive socio-economic development centered on the interests of citizens.



11.03.2024 | News, Notícias
Perspectivas africanas sobre a prevenção e o combate ao extremismo violento

A África Austral está a registar um aumento do extremismo violento. São necessárias estratégias e medidas desenvolvidas em colaboração com as…


21.12.2023 | Evento, Event

Entender o patriarcado como um contexto abrangente no qual se estabelecem desafios e se (re)produzem resistências, seja em espaços públicos ou…


21.12.2023 | Evento, Event
Política Feminista

A luta pelos direitos humanos das mulheres e raparigas apresenta – se como questão central no debate político e social pela busca da igualdade de…



Tearing us from our land, tears out our roots

Tearing us from our land, tears out our roots

Voices of the women from Cabo Delgado
Maputo, 2024

Download publication (8,5 MB PDF-File)

A double-edged sword

Hendricks, Cheryl; Lucey, Amanda; Sambo Macaringue, Lóide da Gloria

A double-edged sword

Peace support operations and conflict management in Northern Mozambique
Maputo, 2023

Download publication (180 KB, PDF-File)

Making women's roles and experiences visible in countering and preventing violent extremism

Hendricks, Cheryl; Lucey, Amanda; Sambo Macaringue, Lóide da Gloria

Making women's roles and experiences visible in countering and preventing violent extremism

The forgotten women of Cabo Delgado
Maputo, 2023

Download publication (160 KB, PDF-File)