Feminist Dialogue Series

The Idea of the Feminist Dialogue Series was born during an International Workshop on Political Feminism in Africa organized by the Mocambican Feminist Platform Fórum Mulher and the Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung (FES) in October 2016 in Maputo.The gathering brought together over 50 feminist activists and scholars from all over the continent.

Inspired by the stimulating discussions and interventions at the workshop, this series is intended as a platform to share important feminist reflections. In this way the series wants to contribute to the development and spreading of African feminist knowledge to transform political and economic conditions on the continent towards social and gender justice.

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Bubble-gum feminism and the decolonialisation and decapitalisation of minds

Machirori, Fungai

Bubble-gum feminism and the decolonialisation and decapitalisation of minds

Maputo, 2016

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Feminismo chiclete e a descolonização descapitalização das mentes

Machirori, Fungai

Feminismo chiclete e a descolonização descapitalização das mentes

Histórias femininas, legados e os novos imperativos
Maputo, 2017

Download publication (350 KB, PDF-File)

Le féminisme chewing-gum et la décolonisation et la décapitalisation des esprits

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Le féminisme chewing-gum et la décolonisation et la décapitalisation des esprits

Maputo, 2018

Download publication (350 KB, PDF-File)

Beyond extractivism: feminist alternatives for a socially and gender just development in Africa

Randriamaro, Zo

Beyond extractivism: feminist alternatives for a socially and gender just development in Africa

Maputo, 2019

Download publication (3,6 MB PDF-File)

Au-delà de lʿextractivisme: Alternatives féministes pour un développement respectueux de la justice sociale et de l'égalité de genre en Afrique

Randriamaro, Zo

Au-delà de lʿextractivisme: Alternatives féministes pour un développement respectueux de la justice sociale et de l'égalité de genre en Afrique

Maputo, 2019

Download publication (3,6 MB PDF-File)

Para além do Extrativismo: Alternativas feministas para um desenvolvimento equitativo em termos sociais e de género em śfrica

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Para além do Extrativismo: Alternativas feministas para um desenvolvimento equitativo em termos sociais e de género em śfrica

Maputo, 2019

Download publication (1,6 MB PDF-File)

Promover uma agenda femiinista para a mudança, um ponto de vista da nigéria

Pereira, Charmaine

Promover uma agenda femiinista para a mudança, um ponto de vista da nigéria

Maputo, 2017

Download publication (330 KB, PDF-File)

Advancing a feminist agenda for change - a view from Nigeria

Pereira, Charmaine

Advancing a feminist agenda for change - a view from Nigeria

Maputo, 2016

Download publication (410 KB, PDF-File)

Promouvoir un programme féministe pour le changement - un point de vue du Nigéria

Pereira, Charmaine

Promouvoir un programme féministe pour le changement - un point de vue du Nigéria

Maputo, 2018

Download publication (410 KB, PDF-File)

A feminist conversation

McFadden, Patricia; Twasiima, Patricia

A feminist conversation

Situating our radical ideas and energies in the contemporary African context
Maputo, 2018

Download publication (2,8 MB PDF-File)

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